As you know, LP Gas Safety rules require exempt registrations and certified individuals to pay a non-refundable, annual renewal fee as well as certified individuals must meet continuing education requirements by May 31 each year.
At the insistence of the Texas Propane Gas Association, the Texas Railroad Commission has finally initiated a move to resolve this issue. TPGA Executive Director Bill Van Hoy has been in contact with the Commission for a period of weeks on this matter.
The Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) has extended the annual renewal fee for certified individuals from May 31, 2020 to August 14, 2020. Any continuing education and training requirements for LP-gas certifications are also extended to August 14, 2020.
“This is a good first step with regards to much-needed relief of regulatory requirements. The Continuing Education deadline has been pushed; however, newly hired employee training and testing requirements for those new employees have yet to be addressed. The Commission must formulate a plan for these new employees immediately as many marketers are in limbo wondering when they can get these Texans to work,” states Bill Van Hoy.
Inspectors have been notified not to cite anyone for having a certification/blue card that expired on May 31, 2020.
No one will be receiving a cease operations letter unless they do not renew and meet training requirements by August 14, 2020. If you have taken your Continuing Education or are not due for continuing education or training, you can renew now (if you like). RRC will be processing renewals for those that qualify and want to renew now. If you have questions regarding the matter, please contact the Texas Propane Gas Association at (800) 325-7427 or contact April Richardson, Alternative Fuels Department Director, via email at
Review the RRC notice on the extension at
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