I hope this finds you well under these unusual circumstances. During this outbreak, there is an abundance of information on TV, online and on social media. The safety and well-being of your employees, customers and your communities should be a top priority. Because many people are worried about the COVID-19 pandemic, it is helpful to provide accurate, reassuring information to your employees to combat those concerns.
Included here are guidelines from the CDC to share with your employees. These guidelines give you valuable information about how to help to keep your employees and customers safe, give official guidance on what to do if one of your employees or one of their family members becomes infected, and topics to include in your company’s Response Plan.
Please note that TPGA has contacted the State Emergency Management Center. There is no indication that a statewide moratorium on travel is being considered, however, it is prudent to discuss worse case scenarios.
If the state of Texas initiates a lock down (no movement or a quarantine), the propane industry would be prioritized as an exception, dependent upon need. Again this is NOT being considered.
Propane is a vital energy source to public health and safety factors - heating and sanitation (“hot water").
Some considerations specific to our industry to consider:
· Have a discussion with all of your staff concerning the tell tale signs of COVID-19.
· Staff should refrain from shaking hands with customers.
· Wash hands much more frequently than normal.
· Clean shared surfaces frequently (including counters, desks, keyboards, workstations, door knobs/handles, office appliances, break room appliances, vehicle interiors, propane dispensing apparatus, etc.)
· For those staff in the field: prior to entering a residence or building, ask the customer if anyone is sick, and specifically has an elevated temperature.
· Drivers and technicians should carry hand sanitizer and use frequently.
Included here are posters in English and Spanish that you can print and display at your workplace with reminders on how to not spread germs.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. When more information becomes available, we will notify the TPGA membership.
Bill Van Hoy
Executive Director Texas Propane Gas Association