Over the summer, the Texas Propane Gas Association brought your attention that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) was doing I-9 audits (once one of our members was audited) and the fact that the I-9 form would soon be expiring. All I-9 forms have an expiration date.
The ICE has finally updated the I-9 form that expired on 08/31/19. You should start using the new form now as of 01/31/20.
By law, every worker in the U.S. must prove that they are allowed to work in the country. The proof must come from the employee/candidate, but collecting and securing it properly is the responsibility of the employer.
What employees need I-9’s? All employees full-time, part-time, seasonal, etc. including contract employees. Download the new I-9 form at https://www.uscis.gov/i-9
I-9 Audit Recap
What will DHS ICE be looking for in an I-9 audit?
·                    Missing I-9s
·                    Unsecured I-9s
·                    Missing documents
·                    Unacceptable documents
·                    Expired documents
·                    Documents with errors.
·                    Requirement status for E-Verify
If you have any questions on DHS ICE I-9 audits, you can contact TPGA at (800)32-LPGAS, or NPGA members can contact HR University/ HR Associates directly at (703) 590-3841 for I-9 and other employment compliance questions.