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More Waivers if You Are Aiding Gulf States Affected by Hurricanes

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) published another Em

ergency Declaration providing relief from Federal Motor Safety Regulations including Hours of Service for motor carriers providing direct assistance supporting emergency relief efforts in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi this time in response to approaching Tropical Storm/Hurricane Sally. The waiver is in effect through October 14, 2020.

The FMCSA Emergency Declaration waiver for Hurricane Laura that hit last month is in effect through September 23, 2020.

DOWNLOAD HURRICANE LAURA US DOT WAIVER There is also a waiver to deliver propane to Louisiana from the LA LP Gas Commission due to ongoing recovery of Hurricane Laura.

Louisiana rules have been suspended allowing out-of-state propane dealers and suppliers ready access to the most critically damaged areas and responding to emergency needs related to Hurricane Laura. Please find linked below the propane waiver from the Louisiana LP Gas Commission allowing Texas propane companies and other states to help with propane relief.

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