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In-House Training for Initial Certification Cylinder Filling/Motor/Mobile Fuel

In addition to the on-demand online training, employers can have their employees or contracted outside instructors give the PERC Dispensing Propane Safely Course in person, and employees receive initial certification or continuing education. The in-person Dispensing Propane Safely Courses must be administered by a company approved by the Railroad Commission. For a company to become approved to give the training, 1. Companies must complete PERC Based Training Application 2. Pay a non-refundable $300 registration fee per company; 3. Companies must submit all course materials for review by the Commission, even if downloaded from PERC directly. Full details of the approval process are detailed in the new LP Gas Safety rule §9.55.

PERC Dispensing Propane Safety Instructor Materials PERC has nearly everything a company or outside instructor needs to hold an in-person class, including

  • PowerPoint with embedded videos

  • Instructor Guide, which includes checks for understanding,PERC final exams, and blank certificates

  • Printable student workbooks for each module

Dispensing Texas Rules Training In addition to training employees using the PERC Dispensing Propane Safely curriculum, the RRC requires that you must train & test your employees on the following LP Gas Safety rules: §9.135, §9.136, §9.137, §9.141(d) / (g), and NFPA 58 § in Figure §9.403.

All powerpoints and materials, including the rules PowerPoint created by TPGA can be downloaded at

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