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  • TPGA

Important Cylinder Requalifer Reminders

As previously reported, the Texas Propane Gas Association (TPGA) met with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), and PHMSA representatives shared many insights regarding cylinder prequalification.

RIN Number Expiration

RIN numbers expire every five years. PHMSA will not send renewal notices. Please be cognizant of when your number expires. It is recommended that you renew at least 60 days prior to your number expiring. You will receive a letter of approval reissuing the number once your renewal is processed.

Common Write Up

One of the most common write-ups when it comes to documentation related to cylinder prequalification is not completing the Cylinder Size Indicator Chart, which you can see in the below-highlighted section of the Cylinder Visual Inspection & Requalification log. This log is available through Propane Service Corporation (PSC).

Save Money & Comply

The Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) require that you have certain guidance and training materials for cylinder requalification. However, instead of using the costly CGA pamphlets from the Compressed Gas Association, you can use like materials such as PERC’s Cylinder Requalification Training Manual, which has been approved by U.S. DOT PHMSA. This book is available through the Propane Service Corporation (PSC).

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