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Hazmat Registration is due July 1, 2020

Your hazmat registration may be due to the Pipeline Hazardous Material Safety Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Each registration year is the one-year period from July 1 to June 30.

Who Must Register? A quantity of hazardous material that requires placarding. The placarding requirements are set forth in 49 CFR 172 Subpart F. Note that the transportation of any quantity of a hazardous material in a bulk packaging requires placarding and therefore registration. This includes residues that remain in an un-purged tank truck or rail tank car.

Registration Fees For 2020-2021.The annual fee for small businesses for registration year 2020-2021 and the following years will remain at $250, (plus a $25 processing fee for each registration form), and $2,575 (plus a $25 processing fee for each registration form) for all other registrants.

A company (whether you're a propane dealer, propane wholesaler, propane bulk station and terminal) is classified as a small business for the purposes of hazmat registration, if their company has under 500 employees.

How to Register/Renew. You can register on-line by visiting Online registration and renewal is recommended due to COVID-19 mail processing delays.

Recordkeeping Requirements. Copies of the registration statement and the certificate of registration must be kept for three years at your principal place of business and must be available for inspection.

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