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ELD Intrastate Texas Compliance Deadline is December 16, 2019


Do your commercial drivers drive over 150 air mile radius (172.6 miles) or keep a logbook more than 8 days during a continuous 30-day period within the state of Texas ? If the answer is yes , then this intrastate Electronic Logging Device (ELD) requirement affects you. Electronic Logging Device (ELD or E-Log)  is an electronic hardware that is attached to a CMV's engine to record driving hours. An ELD monitors a vehicle’s engine to capture data on whether the engine is running, whether the vehicle is moving, miles driven, and duration of engine operation. Reminder: Non-exempt intrastate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) are required to have an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) as of today, December 16, 2019. Non-exempt interstate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) have had to have ELD or AOBR’s since December 18, 2017. Who will be required to have an ELD?  If you are required to keep a logbook daily now and you do not meet one of the below exemptions, then you will need an ELD. There will  not  be a grace period or soft enforcement. To Recap, here are ELD Exemptions, again: · Drivers who use paper logs no more than  any  8 days during any  continuous  30-day period. · Short-haul Texas exemption. Texas short-haul drivers who drive within a  150 air-mile radius (172.6 miles)  and return to the reporting location within 12 hours will be exempt from the ELD requirement. · If your  engine  is manufactured prior to MY 2000 (MY 1999 or older), then you do not need to have an ELD. The engine control module (ECM) is not capable of having an ELD. Also, December 17, 2019, a day later, is the date that any non-exempt carriers that use an AOBRD must switch to ELD's or they will be placed out of service (OOS). Have a question on ELD compliance? Call TPGA at (800)325-7427, and we can consult one of our enforcement experts.

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