Below are links 🔗 to checklists created by the Railroad Commission that are provided as guidelines for assisting LPG licensees in complying with state statutes, the Commission's safety rules, and adopted national and federal codes specific to each installation type.
Form 500 Submission Checklist: This checklist may assist the applicant in determining whether all items have been submitted correctly.
Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles Checklist - (and Reference Material)
Cylinder Delivery/Trailers Checklist - (and Reference Material)
Cylinder Exchange Rack / Forklift Cylinder Storage Checklist
Moveable Fuel Storage Containers, Including Farm Cart Checklist
Transportation of Stationary Containers Code of Federal Regulations: 49 CFR 173.315(j)

These checklists are not intended to be a definitive or exhaustive listing of all statutes, safety rules, regulations, or codes that may be applicable but help.